Saturday, January 21, 2006

Mid-January Panic

How on earth did it get to beyond the middle of January without me noticing how much time has passed already this year. In a months time I will be packing my bags to get on the plane to New Zealand and there is just far to much stuff to be done before I go. I really need to start getting myself organized. I feel a few lists are needed - what to pack, what needs to be done before I go, what I will do when I get there (still haven't sort out more than the first few nights accomodation) etc. etc. Guess that will be next weeks task.

I am behind on my goals both for January and for 2006 so tomorrow I plan to spend some quality me time doing nothing but being lazy and either stitching or knitting. I really need to finish the stitching project that I am in the middle of otherwise I am in danger of having to put it away part finished in order to work on a wedding gift. The problem with putting things away part finished is that I very rarely ever pick them up again and they can remain in an unfinished state for decades. My oldest part finished piece is approx 15 years old and counting.

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