Monday, February 02, 2009

Off on my Holidays

I have finally managed to get my packing done. I have stuffed every last corner of my case with knitting yarn and am also taking with me five stitching projects plus a crate load of Cabury's Creme Eggs. The stitching projects I have decided upon taking are:
The Big Zipper by Bent Creek
Growing Like A Tree by Moria Blackburn (because I fancied a new start)
Just Be Claus by Lizzie*Kate (because I need to get the image out of my head the Kitty gave me)
Bluebirds Message by Blackbird Designs
and a biscornu as I would like to keep up with the SAL.
Belinda, the Caron bright squares are knitted so are not part of the 63-square afghan but now I am wondering where I stashed away the start I made on teh 63-square afghan which I really really must get around to finishing one day (if I ever find it again). I should make an effort to not put away things part done and not to start anything new until I have finished all my WIPs and UFOs but then that would not be any fun.


Sheila said...

Have a wonderful holiday and hope you have time for a bit of stitching :)

Karoline said...

Have a lovely time Allie

Margaret said...

Hope you are having an amazing time Allie. Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things you stitch while you're away.